Masters student - Lilian-Mutia - Kenya

MSc | University of Nairobi

2021 – 2023

Research Project

Investigating the effect of several eavesdroppers performing sequential intercept resend attacks on the BB84 protocol, the first Quantum Key Distribution protocol established.


Dr. Geoffrey O. Okeng’o – University of Nairobi

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a quantum cryptographic scheme that relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to generate a secure and secret key between
authenticated parties. The key is used in quantum communication to safeguard data. This research is geared towards investigating the effect of several eavesdroppers performing sequential intercept resend attacks on the BB84 protocol, the first QKD protocol established. Do they affect the system significantly? Do they lower or increase the Quantum Bit Error Rate? Can they evade detection? We seek to provide detailed answers to these questions.

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