
Below is a complete list of 20 main publications (first, second, and third author papers). For a list of all papers, please visit Google Scholar directly.

  1. Design and implementation of quantum repeaters: insights on quantum entanglement purification, Journal of Quantum Computing, vol. 5, pp. 25–40, 2023. K. A. Mũgambi and G. O. Okeng’o.
  2.  Real time photovoltaic power forecasting and modelling using machine learning techniques. In E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 354, p. 02004. EDP Sciences, 2022. Mwende, Rita, Sebastian Waita, and Geoffrey Okeng’o.
  3. Modelling the Dynamics of Potentially Dangerous Large-Earth Impactors. arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.05988 (2021). Muthini, Jude, and Geoffrey O. Okeng’o.
  4. SP 8 On Bosonic Quantum Error Correction in Quantum Computing. Aoko, Shirley, and Geoffrey O. Okeng’o.
  5. Testing the  Copernican principle-Modelling the CMB temperature angular power spectrum, KJS Series A Vol. 17 No. 1 (2019). S.M. Mutunga, G.O. Okeng’o and C.O. Mito.
  6.  Implications of a late-time interaction in vacuum dark energy models. Africa Journal of Physical Sciences 3 (2019): 55-66. Okeng’o, Geoffrey.
  7. Imprints of a late-time interaction in vacuum dark energy models, AJPS Vol 3 (2019). ISSN: 2313-3317.G.O. Okeng’o.
  8. Towards Attainment of Data Democracy in Achieving Food Security & Universal Healthcare Through Adoption of Cost-Effective Nanosatellite Programs in Africa. Scientific Revival Day of Africa Celebrations 2019- The Kenya National Academy of Sciences, The Nairobi Safari Club – 4th July 2019. Kimani.J.M & Okeng’o G.O.
  9. Bridging the gap: Why do very few girls study STEM? 2019. G.O. Okeng’o.
  10. An assessment of dangers to life on earth from potentially dangerous asteroids (PDAs) and need for adequate technological preparedness. KJS 2019. Okeng’o G.O. and Gikuiyu T.N.
  11. Solar variability and Earth’s climate change: Is there a link? TWAS-SAREP Regional Young Scientists Conference 23rd – 25th October 2019 held at the
    Nairobi Safari Club. D. Museo & G.O. Okeng’o.
  12. The Dark Universe. Research Week 2019 Conference: Advancing Science to Inform Sustainable Development 23rd – 25th October 2019 held at the CBPS,
    University of Nairobi. G. O. Okeng’o.
  13. Testing structure formation in the universe via coupled matter fluids, RJS – Vol 1, No 1 (2016) pp. 57-68. ISSN: 2305-2678. G.O. Okeng’o, J.O. Malo, J.B. Awuor, R.O. Genga.
  14. On the Complexification of Minkowskian Spacetime, AJPS 2 (2015) 73-76. ISSN 2313-3317. Okeng’o G. O. and Awuor J. B.
  15. A Simplified Formalism for Computing Growth Rates for Perturbations in Standard Cosmology, A. Review of Physics,10:0028. 2015;10 (2015) (ISSN2223-6589):205-207. Okeng’o G. O. and Malo J. O.
  16. Indigenous Knowledge and Science- Complementary Systems, Oral Paper Kenya National Academy of Science (KNAS), Scientific Day of Africa Celebrations 2015,
    Proceedings of the KNAS, 2015. Okeng’o G. O.
  17. An Evaluation of the Potentially Dangerous Asteroids and Need for Adequate Technological Preparedness, Conference Oral Paper presented at the 4th Kenya Annual Science and Innovation Week, University of Nairobi, 11th − 15th May, 2015. Okeng’o G. O., and Gikuiyu T. N.
  18. Structure formation with two interacting matter fluids, Conference Oral Paper presented at the 4th East African Astronomy Workshop, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, June 30th-July 4th, 2014. Okeng’o G. O.
  19. Techniques for Merging Cultural Aspects of Astronomy with Scientific Observations (2012) African Skies, Vol. 16, p.13. Baki, P., Obure, C. O. and Okeng’o, G. O.
  20. Testing Dark Energy with HI Surveys, Annual SKA Postgraduate Conference poster paper, 2012. Okeng’o G. O.
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